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  • 别名:
  • 导演:金子修介
  • 主演:石丸谦二郎,阿部隆史,户田菜穗,天本英世,高田纯次,野村宏伸,羽田美智子,德山秀典,熊川哲也,村上里佳子,久本雅美
  • 类型: 悬疑
  • 地区:日本
  • 语言:日语
  • 上映:1998
  • 更新:2024-07-23 23:37:52
《F(1988)》是一部由金子修介执导,石丸谦二郎、阿部隆史、户田菜穗、天本英世、高田纯次等主演的悬疑片,改编自鷺沢萌的小说《F・落第生》。该片于1998年12月19日在日本上映,时长约100分钟。该片的故事 revolves around a mysterious letter “F” that appears on the license plates of the cars involved in a series of accidents. The protagonist is Hikaru (户田菜穗), a young office lady who loves tinkering with machines. She witnesses a car accident caused by a car with an “F” plate, and decides to investigate the mystery behind it. She meets Tetsuya (熊川哲也), a popular ballet dancer who also has an “F” plate on his car. He claims that he received the plate from a man named Fumio (石丸谦二郎), who is a former classmate of Hikaru’s father (天本英世). Fumio is a genius hacker who has a grudge against Hikaru’s father, who is a police officer. Fumio uses his hacking skills to manipulate the traffic system and cause accidents, and he targets the people who have an “F” plate on their cars. He also kidnaps Hikaru’s father and threatens to kill him unless Hikaru and Tetsuya follow his instructions. Hikaru and Tetsuya have to work together to stop Fumio’s plan and save Hikaru’s father. Along the way, they also develop feelings for each other.该片是一部充满惊险和刺激的悬疑片,展现了恋に不器用な男女の姿を綴る。 该片的主题是爱与正义的对抗,以及人性的复杂性。该片的导演金子修介是一位著名的悬疑片导演,他的作品有《追跡者》、《狙击手》、《狂赌者》等。 该片的演员们也都有出色的表现,尤其是熊川哲也,他是一位真正的芭蕾舞者,他的舞蹈技巧和表情都很到位。 该片的音乐由佐藤直紀负责,他是一位著名的电影音乐作曲家,他的作品有《千与千寻》、《海街日记》、《告白》等。 该片的音乐和画面都很配合,营造了一种紧张和悲怆的氛围。
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